7 Healthy Habits for Life

Implementing healthy habits for life can increase your productivity, focus, happiness, wellbeing, and even your success. Having a routine or everyday habits have changed our lives for the better as it comes secondary now and allows us to focus on other tasks, you could say we almost have more time in the day now just from adding in these healthy habits for life. 


Are you looking for inspiration to add to your routine? 

Or are you wondering what sort of healthy habits successful people do everyday? 

We have done the work for you and these healthy habits for life are incorporated in some way into the lives of successful people, which has allowed for an all around better day and sets you up for an even better life! 

The biggest overall habit and message here is to take care of yourself, yes it can be hard as you may have a family to care for, or work to do, school work, there are many responsibilities in life, but if you neglect your wellbeing and only take care of others than you will find yourself burnt out, and may even face illness. 

Make time for yourself as you do for others and you will find the many benefits shine through. 

Here are Our Top 7 Healthy Habits for Life


We all know its best to drink 2-3L of water per day and should limit sugary drinks and caffeine, but this important habit of making time to hydrate allows you to use water breaks in order to stretch, take a mental break and / or go on social media. This habit is a sort of “me time” that can make you more productive in your tasks and many successful people swear by this. You will find that these water breaks serve as a motivational factor and when doing this several times per day your work ethic may actually increase in anticipation for these mini breaks. 


In order to feel and perform your best you have to consistently  move your body for at least 30 minutes per day. Blood flow to your working muscles and oxygen to your brain can increase your creativity, and energy which is critical when wanting to maximize your work ethic. If you are feeling anxious, fidgeting, sad, writers block you likely need to get outside and move yourself. This can be achieved by a 10 – 30 minute walk, and it is extremely effective! Many people have found inspiration and ideas have come to them on walks, thats pretty amazing. 

Eat Lean Protein

Some bodybuilders and professional athletes have said their increased performance is due to eating whole foods and lean protein as it is better for digestion and best for weight control. Many also find following a Mediterranean style diet is also great for weight control and decreasing risks for diseases and health issues. We definitely recommend you try turkey tacos, pesto pasta with salmon on the side, or chicken with quinoa and vegetables

Eat Natural Foods

Focus on eating 80% whole, natural foods and steer away from processed foods (in boxes and bags). Its much better for you and you will be amazed at how easy it is to keep unwanted weight off and stay fit! After switching to a more whole foods diet we realized how much brain fog and decreased energy from  processed foods were affecting us. Not only did our sweet and salty cravings decrease but our taste buds have now changed to love natural foods and no longer enjoy many junk foods we once did likely because we were “addicted” to the preservatives and artifical flavourings! Check out this post about making healthy choices. 

Get Enough Sleep

Sounds easy enough, but with life keeping us all busy it can become challenging to make sure you are getting adequate sleep for your age group. There are different hours of sleep per age group but a guideline to follow is 6-8 hours, this helpful sleep wake calculator can help get your circadian rhythm / bio rhythm back into synch, which allows you to fall asleep and wake up easier; you are getting the right amount of deep sleep in per night. 


This is a habit often forgotten about or overlooked simply becuase many thunk that once they are done school they are done learning. This is not true, learning should be constinulsy done to ensure growth. Learning comes in many forms: new skill, hobby, lanugange, topic, etc. This can be simy for plsurease and maybe develope into a passion you never new you had interst in! 

Find an Outlet

This is essential. Healthy outlets are the key to balance in life, they allow you to genuinly enjoy the time you spend doing something without any fear or force. You want to do this thing becose it makes you feel better afterwards. This can look differnt to everyone some outlets could be hobbies such as painting, creating something online, a craft, or talking to a friend during a coffe meet up once a week, or be in the form of exercise: hicking, walking, running, even cooking or piano! These are things things that allow you to unwind from life and you just be in the moment with that outlet. 

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